Fun at iCare Tauranga Central
We love to have fun at iCare, but more importantly, we are one big safe family!
Located at BBC Central (640 Cameron Rd, Tga), we are able to enjoy the hustle and bustle of the city, watching the world go by from our upstairs windows.
Our indoor facility provides a safe, warm space for activities such as crafts, board games, and imaginative play. Downstairs we have access to a large hall where we enjoy playing large group activities. Jump rope, indoor cricket, 'Seaweed' and football are regular fixtures.
Afternoons include a pause for some social time over afternoon tea where kids love to share news and enjoy songs, games and stories.
Your child/children will be picked up by one of our friendly staff in the iCare van from school - We currently have a van pick-up from Tauranga Primary and Gate Pa schools.

Make a Booking
Note: If you haven't previously signed up with us in Enrolmy you will be asked to do that first. Please ensure all your details are up to date and that you carefully read our Terms and Conditions

640 Cameron Road (Cnr of Cameron & 13th Ave)
021 078 0036